LCDs & Digitizers

Showing 1–25 of 69 results

Browse our large collection of LCD & TFT screens plus a selection of digitizers, commonly used in instrument clusters, climate controls, radios, and navigation units. Be sure to notice that many of these displays are TAE brand – we specially manufacture these screens that are not available anywhere else in the world.

Digitizers are the thin panel that is installed over the display screen. This panel allows your finger touch to be translated into the screen doing what you want. These commonly start to get inaccurate with age or no longer respond at all to touch.

TFT displays are color screens installed behind the digitizer. These screens show color information to the driver. We sell some TFT displays as complete assemblies with the digitizer already installed so you don’t need to go through the hassle of trying to heat up and unglue the old digitizer panel for removal.

LCD screens are not available in full color and typically only show basic information, digits, or segments. They are monochromatic.

All screens are basically pieces of glass. Mileage or data cannot be stored on glass.

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