Lexus SC and GS
After we began repairing the Lexus LS400 clusters we started getting a lot of requests to fix the SC300, SC400, and GS300 clusters of 1992-1996.
We had 4 iterations of needle designs and needle boards to replace the faulty needles from the factory. There was no way to repair what was already installed into them so we essentially had to gut the internals out, keep the needle “shell”, and install our own fixture inside the shell. Weight needed to be the same as factory and the illumination needed to also be on par with factory.
10+ years later, here we are with our TAE V4 needles that can be purchased here.
Aside from the needles, we also sell and install the backlighting LED kits here. These are the same LED’s we use in all of our rebuilds. Many have been running strong for 10+ years now.
Keep in mind that these clusters were designed for regular bulbs and light distribution. LED’s didn’t exist in this fashion back then. There may be some very very slight dim spots.
Aside from the normal lighting problems, these clusters also suffered from gauge failures, gauges and needles sticking and not moving, and odometer or clock screens that fail, turn off, or become garbled. We have parts in stock to repair any issue you may have with your SC300 or SC400 gauge cluster.
If you would rather purchase one, you can do so here but parts are becoming more scarce every day! Repairing your original is almost always the best way to go.