This instrument cluster is only one of the hundreds that we have repaired over the years at Tanin Auto Electronix. In the 2000-2006 Audi TT instrument clusters, the LCD will begin to fade or lose pixels, and eventually, it will completely fail. If you’re familiar with the Audi brand at all, you’re probably aware that Audi isn’t exactly known for being budget-friendly. So it’s not hard to imagine what the cost of a brand new instrument cluster from the dealership might be. Fortunately, Tanin Auto Electronix offers multiple solutions that won’t rob your bank account.
Our repair service for the Audi TT gauge clusters is one solution to your LCD screen problems. You just need to fill out our repair work order and ship the gauge cluster to us! Our turnaround time on this repair is generally 3-5 business days once we receive your item. Once we repair, test, and clean your instrument cluster, we ship it back and you simply plug it back into your Audi TT!
Before you send your gauge cluster in, be sure to check out our video below for removal instructions. We show you how to remove your instrument cluster, and we even talk about the repair and testing we do when working on your speedometer!
The next option is even more cost-friendly, but it does require some technical skills.
You can purchase a brand new LCD screen from Tanin Auto Electronix and fix your speedometer issues yourself. We even show you the process for how to swap out the LCD screens! It’s a good idea to watch this video first, so you can determine whether or not you will be able to perform the repair.
Still have questions?Contact us today to get your questions answered and your Audi TT speedometer issues fixed!
Do you have the ability to fix the speedometer as well?