
2003-2007 Toyota Land Cruiser Speedometer Instrument Cluster Repair: Stepper motors and backlighting


This is a REPAIR SERVICE. You will be sending an item to us for repair.

Availability: 7 in stock

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SKU: RPR-CLU-TOYLC-03-07 Categories: , Tags: ,

This is a repair service for your 2003 – 2007 Toyota Land Cruiser instrument gauge cluster. We replace all of the stepper motors and all of the cluster backlighting. Typically the lighting turns brown or yellow initially on the MPH display then spreads to the rest of the cluster.

We do not do partial rebuilds or only replace either the lighting or one or two motors.  Once the gauge cluster is taken apart then put back together and shipped back to you there is a high probability that one of the other motors will then start to go bad. We avoid this by rebuilding the entire gauge cluster.

If your gauge cluster has been taken apart or attempted to be repaired before by someone else the chances of success in repairing it again go down. If you have full power loss, an odometer that doesn’t turn on, or have all gauges fail or not respond all at once then you may need a replacement cluster. Typically repairing will not fix these issues.

Repairing is for lighting that is dimming, turning yellow, fading, and individual gauges not reading correctly or not working.






Toyota Land Cruiser 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007


This repair service comes with a lifetime warranty.

Please visit our warranty page for more details.

Service Disclaimer

When you send us your used part and explain your issues, we will diagnose your reported issues. We can make additional recommendations to replace common wear items that frequently fail, but we do not/can not test every aspect of your used part. If something else fails that is not related to your original issue or the repairs we performed, we are not responsible and these issues are not covered under your repair’s warranty.

What Happens Next?

Simply print & fill out our repair work order and ship your item to Tanin Auto Electronix!

View our shipping page for more detailed instructions and current turnaround times.


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