If you have read the webpage listing this far congratulations. This is a repair service. That means you need to ship us your climate control so we can repair it. You will notice the price is the same as our replacement climate controls. That means if you still don’t think this is a repair then you’re now receiving a climate control unit. The problem is we don’t know what climate control you need because this is a repair service. You can search our Climate Controls for your unit or you can wait several weeks to contact our customer service folks wondering where your climate control is when we were actually waiting for yours. If you are planning on sending your unit for repair then continue reading. You can also click the “What Happens Next?” tab to print the work order form and get our address.
Tanin Auto Electronix started repairing and selling GMC and Chevy Truck heater control units back in 2015. There were two different climate control units offered in all of the 2003 through 2007 GM trucks. The unit was either fully automatic where you set the temperature desired on the passenger side and driver side with two different knobs or the truck came with a traditional manual climate control. A manual climate control featured vertical sliding knobs for the driver and passenger. These were not temperature-specific, but either “hot” or “cold”. Manual temperature climate control units had a disadvantage because you constantly needed to adjust the knob up or down depending on how hot or cold the vehicle became. The climate control didn’t know what the actual temperature was inside.
The repair process for each of these GM HVAC climate control modules is very different. They each used different bulbs, bulb sizes, and bulb voltage. The disassembly process is also different. Unfortunately, you cannot swap in an automatic climate control into a manual climate control spot. There are other servos and wiring not present in these vehicles that would need to be changed or added.
Our basic rebuild includes all new lighting which is the most common problem. We can repair automatic climate control knobs that seem to have a mind of their own. Typically the temperature reading will jump around as you turn the knob and is not accurate. This is all covered.
We designed and manufactured a brand new “blue” lens that is in the center of the automatic climate control unit. These often break, crack, and become scratched, hazy, and distorted. We will advise you if this is needed or you can request it. You can also buy our Tanin Electronix 2002 – 2009 GM Chevy GMC Auto Climate Control Blue Plastic Screen Lens
Recently we have seen an extremely worn out left side “up and down” button on the automatic climate control on almost every climate control we refurbish or sell. You can buy our Tanin Electronix 2002 – 2009 GM Chevy GMC Auto Climate Control FAN speed up down button
If you need either the lens or the button we can invoice you after your unit arrives and is repaired.
That about covers our climate control rebuild service. Issues with servos, air blowing out of the wrong vents, or wrong locations are typically truck issues and not climate control issues.
Click the “What Happens Next?” tab to print out the work order for and ship your unit to us.
Anonymous (verified owner) –
Very reliable and exceptional work, I highly recommend this service to anyone with climate control issues.
Kenneth Shofner (verified owner) –
Quick turnaround, very good repair
Dennis Baker (verified owner) –
Repair was quick and price was good. Good customer service!!